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Михаил Шемякин представил в Петербурге выставку "Шар в искусстве"

Футбольный мяч, мыльный пузырь и глобус очень заинтересовали художника Михаила Шемякина. На этот раз потому, что они круглые. Мастер представил в Петербурге результат своих многолетних исследований на тему "Шар в искусстве".

культурные программы, научные исследования, выставки, перформансы, концерты, презентации, основы анимации изображений, мультфильмы, детское и школьное творчество, медиа технологии для обмена, фотографии, звук, видео, танец, драматические постановки, рассказы, кукольный театр, органическое образовательное пространство микрокосмоса...

суббота, 8 ноября 2008 г.

Открытие передвижной выставки "Сотворение фильма" А.Петрова

An exhibition documenting the three years it took to create the film, including many of Petrov’s originals, was held in Moscow’s Dom Naschokina Gallery (; Russian only) earlier this year. I only caught the final day of the exhibition, but Globespotters is happy to report that the show is running again, in St. Petersburg, at the Mikhail Chemiakin Foundation (Ulitsa Sadovaya 11, tel. +7 (812) 310-0275 or 310-2514),,; Web site in Russian only; viewing is by prior arrangement) through November 26. Chemiakin is an artist from St. Petersburg who was expelled from the Soviet Union and eventually settled in upstate New York.

The exhibition, which is sponsored by Unilever, the consumer products company, opened earlier this month with a showing of Petrov’s films at Loft Wine Bar (Ligovsky prospect 74, 5th floor, +7 (812) 764-3421; located in a former bread factory. St. Petersburg has taken up Moscow’s trend of converting factories into art and design spaces (; Russian only). The industrial-chic wine bar would be right at home in New York, Chicago or San Francisco. It hosts free movie screenings every Wednesday at 8 p.m. (see the blog devoted to the screenings for detailed listings,; Russian only). The Petrov screenings were special events, held on a Saturday and Sunday. Loft Wine Bar shares a floor with Globe Gallery (, St. Petersburg’s best contemporary art gallery.

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